Protect your energy for 7-7 Sirius Gateway

Protect your energy as we edge towards the opening of 7-7 Sirius Gateway, which is a cosmic portal that’s especially connected to divine feminine & priestess-archetype energies. The peak is on 7th July.

These beautiful oracle cards are from my Goddesses, Gods and Guardians Oracle.

Before the new influx of light comes in, you can feel very ‘transitional’, in between one stage and another, or like you know something’s on the horizon but you can’t grasp the details, you’re not sure what you need to do, but you know there’s something about to shift or crystallise.

Protecting your energy means staying attuned to your own light, your own inner knowing, your own feelings. It doesn’t mean don’t connect with others, but it does mean be especially discerning at this time to be around those who support and see who you are.

You may be feeling especially sensitive about your ‘purpose’ and your personal direction – how you can most highly serve and uplift the world with your unique light and gifts. That’s because your purpose is about to go through an upgrade: a shift to even higher ground. ✨

Your soul feels this very deeply because it’s totally intertwined with what you came here to heal – and it can only happen when you’re open, willing to be vulnerable and share what matters most to you.

Protecting your energy means not comparing your path with other people’s. As you open to the 7-7 energies, your higher chakras start to ‘zone in’ on your totally unique life journey. You’re already attuning to the spiritual frequencies of your soul’s template, and where it must take you next. Even if your job, purpose or path looks similar to another persons, it is not the same. You simply cannot share your light or heal or do anything with the same soul energy as another person. It’s impossible.

You must protect your energy out of self-respect, and reverence for your own soul’s uniqueness. ✨

Once we get to the more intensive, concentrated energy of 7-7, it’s very likely you’ll feel clearer, more confident in your decisions and more able to tap into your inner visions. The new will start to come into focus.

You have permission to Protect your energy. We are entering a super-charged time for your soul, and you need to be able to hear its voice. ✨💛

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