Magic of sacred symbols

Have you experienced certain symbols, shapes or patterns coming to you at key points of your healing and growth journey? Especially when you’re connecting with sacred feminine wisdom?

Sometimes we’re incredibly drawn to certain symbols and can’t explain why! 🌙☥△

But sacred symbols can be a MAJOR part of how the Goddess guides your path back to the deep wisdom within.

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Divine feminine symbols may come through to you when your soul is ready to access deeper levels of your innate wisdom, truth, sacred knowledge and spiritual essence.

​These symbols carry intuitive light-codes and energies that are rooted in ancient knowledge systems, guarded and protected by the Great Goddesses.

You may begin connecting with symbols at any time in your life, sometimes in childhood or adolescence. Perhaps you receive a piece of jewellery with a symbol on the pendant, or some artwork, or you doodle certain symbols and simply enjoy the feeling of doing that.

Symbols work through sacred energy, mystery and intuition. You will be drawn to the symbols that need to connect with you – it may even be irresistible. You’ll want to be close to certain symbol, to have it near to you, perhaps as imagery, an object or talisman.

It may be some time before a sacred feminine symbol starts working with you at a deeper soul level. This is normally when a major shift or transformation is on the horizon.

It is time for you to begin opening your heart and spirit to remembering who you are, at your core, and your ancient connection to Goddess Consciousness. It is time for working with the symbol or symbols for healing purposes, and to activate dormant or blocked energies within you. You won’t need to figure out how to do this with your mind.

It will be almost impossible to avoid connecting with the sacred symbol because you’ll feel a bond or magnetic pull towards it. 

☽ The Universe will bring this activated symbol to you – perhaps through a teacher, or a guided meditation, or a ritual. It may come to you over and over again by specific spiritual guides.

Working with your symbols is an intuitive, psychic process. You won’t be able to describe what’s happening logically when you link with your symbol. It happens through light and energy. But huge shifts can start to take place once you have accepted a symbol into your energy field. It can be like a ‘key’ that unlocks chambers within your soul.

You begin to remember what you’re here for, and awaken to a need to be vibrating from your truth. You may have a need to feel fully empowered and clear so that your gifts can flow freely. You may be set upon a profoundly healing pathway, and this can include talking therapy, holistic therapies, emotional healing, energy healing and a whole host of other modalities that open your soul to healing.

Wounds within you may surface, and need tending to. Blocks, fears and layers of resistance may suddenly appear more clearly because everything that’s been previously suppressed is coming up to be healed.

△ Sacred symbols act as anchors and ballasts for the courage it takes to look within and consciously heal.

They support your soul expansion, as they’re imbued with all your karmic records and sacred contracts. They’re showing you the way to your full empowerment and self-realisation. 

You may not be able to describe in words what’s happening when you connect with your symbols, because it’s a heart-led process.

Symbols can catalyse enormous spiritual growth because they help to activate your deep inner wisdom. They are linked to the wisdom of Mother Earth and the Universe. They are linked to the divine feminine mystery schools and healing temples.

Some ways to connect with + things to know about Divine Feminine Sacred Symbols 🌙☥△

☥ Wear the symbol on clothing, jewellery or your skin

☽ Have it around you as an object or artwork in your home

☆ Pay particular attention to synchronicity when the symbol comes to you, especially in guided meditations or rituals If you’re ‘given’ a light symbol in an activation ritual, this is important. It means that you’re ready to follow divine guidance that’s key for your life purpose and healing journey

⚚ Remember you don’t have to figure it out with your mind, as all knowledge and understanding that the symbol holds will come to you in perfect timing, and usually through your intuitive guidance and inner visions or dreams, for example

△ Know that once you choose to accept sacred symbols, you’re stepping up (or more deeply into) your highest life purpose and so it’s possible that some things will fall away from you, or need to be released

☼ Know that sacred symbols will always be uplifting, healing and positively transforming, and will change your vibration to align with it’s highest note

☉Know that sacred symbols will release divine information and healing opportunities in ‘waves’. The information doesn’t come all at once, as you need time to process and integrate.

Sacred symbols are beautiful and potent expressions of the Divine, the Earth and Cosmos. They are charged with energy and have the ability to help guide your soul’s evolutionary path. They are particularly connected to the healing and rebirth of the divine feminine.

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